
"i just found out it was assembly schedule"

You expect too much of me. You think I have found love and here I will tell you the secret ingredient. but the truth is, I've lost love, and I never got a copy of the recipe.

Love is just the way I think I feel when I look at you.
Love is what I think I feel when you smile at my terrible jokes
I thought love was when I kissed you on the forehead and you dug further into my chest.
When I drove your car because you were scared of icy roads.
I thought it was going on that double with your stupid, trashy friends because it was important to you.
Or when I let you keep my sweatshirt for months, even though I only have two good ones.
I thought love was learning that song on the piano, because it was your favorite and you, for some reason, begged to hear me sing.

I guess I was scared because I think I meant it, but I'm not sure you did. and I thought you did. But you tossed it around like a dog does a bark. a ball in the park. stars in the dark.

and maybe i have it all backwards. Maybe when you find it, you're supposed to give it away. So everyone can know. So everyone can feel. But for me that was nails on a chalkboard. Married in the singles ward. Going into battle without a sword. A contestant who never wins awards. Sitting in English, BORED.

Maybe I wasn't ready to give it, or maybe I wasn't ready to buy into a useless lottery ticket. But I did. And it wrecked me like Miley on her ball. small spaces and being tall. leaves in the fall. waiting all night for no call.

I thought you felt it when we danced atop the asphalt in front of Zach's house, because neither of us were ready to leave each other for the night. I thought I felt it too.

I thought a lot of things about love, but I guess they were wrong, like 2 + 2 is three. Money grows on trees, BYUI let's you show your knees,Wrong like 'y' comes after 'z', and what I thought you thought of me.


  1. I'm DYING. this is good.this is too good.

  2. I swear. I'm in love with your words. Really, though. Beautiful.

  3. perfect..and your rhyming was sick and you are beautiful.

  4. I don't usually like rhyming things.


  5. wow. I'm speachless, intimidated, and in love.

  6. This was amazing! They way you rhymed and the way you wrote it made it really clear about how you feel about love. Awesome!


  8. Every metaphor and analogy is making me love you.

  9. Seriously incredible. You have mad talent,

    "I've lost love, and I never got a copy of the recipe."

  10. "I thought love was when I kissed you on the forehead and you dug further into my chest. I thought love was learning that song on the piano, because it was your favorite and you, for some reason, begged to hear me sing." When I read this I could really picture this happening. Great job!

  11. And just like that....I fell in love. With this post.With your writing.

  12. This was super good! (and thanks for putting my "Nothing but Us, and the Stars" post on your blog. I feel so honored.)

  13. Love is just the way I think I feel when I look at you.
    Love is what I think I feel when you smile at my terrible jokes
    I thought love was when I kissed you on the forehead and you dug further into my chest. #stolen

  14. "I lost love, and I never got a copy of the recipe" Stolen.
